Saturday, February 25, 2012


So I'm not going to tell a lie. I've been pretty confused in recent months. I made some decisions a while back... to quit my job, to pursue a course of study, to relocate... no small decisions here, but I am not sure that I am completely on the right path. Don't get me wrong... I don't feel like I am doing anything terrible, but do you ever get a sense when you are heading in a direction and you just (in your gut) think... I made a wrong turn... or this isn't the scenery I was expecting to be seeing by now... yeah? well that's where I'm at... I think the adventure or journey is still the correct one... that is to be seeking...

I am a believer in God. I am not ashamed to say it. Over the years, my faith has been tested, challenged, grown, stretched, diminished... you name it... I've probably been through that season... but at this moment in time, I believe that I am coming out of a dry time... but I don't yet know into a time of WHAT.

Now, this, I have to admit bothers me. I would love to say that I am gloriously patient, waiting to see all that God unfolds in this next season... but that would just not be true. I do believe that God brought me out of what I was doing for a reason... but I am going to have to be patient a little longer... I do feel like some pieces are coming together... but not quite enough ... YET...

Anywho! I just thought I'd take a couple of moments to make a blog update...

Lord, I believe... help me in my unbelief.